Visit with Alyssa, Josh, and Logan Jurgensmeier
A few months back we were lucky enough to take a drive up to Bountiful with the Provo Jurgensmeier's to hang out with our SIL Alyssa and our two nephews, Josh and Logan. It was the first time all of us got to meet Logan, and it was so much fun! He is definitely a cutie.
We can't forget all the fun we had with Josh(y) (and Josh as well :). He is getting older now and is really good at remembering all of our names. He is such a fun kid and we really like hanging out with him whenever we get the chance!
Alyssa, you have to come and visit again soon! Next time you can bring Cory as well :) And we have to get a picture with the whole group, I am not sure how we didn't make that happen...
Anyways that is our first update. Life has been so crazy lately that blogging is not my #1 priority, but I definitely keep up with everyone else's blogs! Also, anyway who wants to come visit us, we have an extra bedroom waiting for any friends who want to stop by! Keep posting!
Marianne and Brad